Modern society made all of us getting healthy harder than ever!!.People are busy trying to balance work, relationship and other responsibilities. As a result, their health goals are often compromised
Here are few simple ways to get healthier with minimal effort.
Roadmap to Improved Health
You can break down the concept of health into various categories. These include physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral health. As a teenager, there are some things you must pay special attention to....
Physical health: Take care of your body
- *Exercise regularly-at least 60 minutes per day.
- *Eat a healthy diet-Healthy eating is an crucial part of your growth and development. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a variety of protein foods, and low-fat dairy products.
- *Maintain a healthy weight- Children and teenagers with obesity are more likely to have obesity as an adult. They are also at higher risk for depression, and bullying.
- *Get enough sleep- Most teens need between 9 hours of sleep. Many average only 7 hours. Sleep has a strong effect on your ability to concentrate and do well.
- *Brush and floss your teeth- Make it a habit now, and prevent tooth and gum problems in adulthood.
- *Say no to loud music- This can damage your hearing for the rest of your life.
Mental health: Take care of your mind
- *Learn to manage stress. You can’t avoid stress, so you need to learn how to fu*k it. This will help you stay calm and be able to function in stressful situations.
- *Study and do your best in school. There is a strong link between health and academic success.
- *Try to maintain a good relationship with your parents. Remember that they want what is best for you.
- *Don’t try to take on too much. set priorities for most important ones and give those 100%.Exhausting yourself can lead to stress, frustration, etc.
Emotional health: Take care of your emotions
Behavioral health: Take care of your safety through your behaviors
- *Avoid substance use or abuse. This includes alcohol, street drugs, other people’s prescription drugs etc.
- *Drive safely. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among teenagers. Always use your seat belt. Avoid riding in a car full of other teenagers. This can distract the driver and make an accident more likely. Never get in a car with a driver who has been drinking.
- *Wear protective headgear. Wear a helmet when you are riding a bike or participating in sports to prevent any serious injuries. Injuries at a young age can have lifelong negative effects on your health.
- *Avoid violence. Stay away from situations where violence or fighting may cause you to be physically injured.
- *Practice abstinence (no sex) or safe sex. If you have any plan for having sex, always use condoms to help avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you are a sexually active girl, talk to your doctor about contraceptives. If you can’t use contraceptives, use condoms for birth control.
Questions to ponder
Will the habits I have now will affect when I’m older?
Yes!!!, 67% of all deaths in adults are caused by various kind of disease. In many cases, diseases are preventable. Many of the behaviors that cause diseases begin at a young age. For example, teens who are alcoholic are more likely to have heart disease, cancer, or stroke in adulthood.
At my age, what should I concern about?
The toppp enemy of teenagers are car accidents, unintentional injury, homicide, and suicide. Cancer and heart disease are uncommon for teenagers, but can affect you at this age.
Should I talk to my doctor if I’m worried about my health or my body?
Yes. It’s important to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your health or your body. Your doctor is there to help you.
The Bottom Line
Being healthy is easier than you think. Like having a glass of water with each meal, eating fatty fish, having a regular sleep schedule and choosing more real foods.
Adding just a few of these strategies into your daily routine can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
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